Namaste, iam Ann Tarr, Have a two coffee day!

When Can You Buy Ishgard Housing? [Solved]

Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC. FFXIV Endwalker will show up on December 7, 2021. While people can tour the Ishgard Empyreum housing district when FFXIV 6.0 drops, they can’t buy land there until the 6.1 update on December 21, 2021.6 Nov 2021

FFXIV: The Empyreum - First look at the new Ishgard Housing!

#FFXIV #Meoni #

HOUSING RANT! Why is Ishgard designed like this!?

Why was a new

Buying an Ishgard Housing Lottery Ticket

… T-witch stream